نشرة الأخبار | الظهيرة | 2019-03-24

نشرة الأخبار | الظهيرة | 2019-03-24

نشرة الأخبار , الظهيرة ,2019-03-24 الرابط: http://mdn.tv/3x2y الموقع الرسمي: http://www.almayadeen.net فايسبوك: http://mdn.tv/@facebook تويتر:…



  1. اين الجيش العربي السوري من هذا الشيطان القناص الذي يقتل الاطفال والنسا .ولغايه متى ستبقى احذيه واكرار اردوغان غي حلب وحماه .الطفل تيم من سياخذ حقه وحق طفولته وحق اخوته وحق والديه وحق سوريا.الى متى ستبقى احذيه اردوغان الشيطان علة ارض سوريا

  2. كيف يا عراق والاردن من سلح عشاير الانبار كيف يا عراق والاردن سهل مرور الارهاب للعراق .كيف يا عراق والاردن من درب الارهاب وسهل مرورهم لسوريا الشما…كيف يا عراق والاردن اول من قال الهلال الشيعي
    الاردن معاهم معاهم وعند الطلب عليهم عليهم ..

  3. The Opposition Leader Juan Gueydo and Puppet of USA, Leaders ,His Days are near to End and will be Rot in the Venezuelan Prison for His War Crimes,Theft of the Venezuelan Wealth and Being a Treason, His is a Sneaky Fox in a Sheep Clothes ,also the Killer of His Own People.

  4. The USA.UK. are Planning a Dirty Games against the Legitimate Govt,s Of Algeria,Moraco and Tunisia in Order to Create uprising against theses Govt,s Leaders ,in order for USA,UK, Have Foot in these Three Arab-African Countries,also to prevent the Chinese and Russians Leaders to Have a Good Relations with these Three Arab Countries,Like they done in Iraq,Syria,Yemen ,Lebanon and Egypt.

  5. Also What the Palestinian Leaders in West Bank and Gaza waiting Or Hoping For? after Occupation of Jerusalem ,the Next will be West Bank and Gaza. and the 1948 incident will be happening in 2020,after the Zionist ,Apartheid Israeli Leaders pushed the Palestinians from their Lands in 1948, and Now they will be pushing the Palestinians Out of West Bank and Gaza to the Egyptian Deserts .,as Long as the Bully,Cow Boy President of USA and the War Criminal Natanyahu still a Leaders ,there will be NO MORE WEST BANK,AND GAZA.

  6. Why the Palestinian Leaders in the West Bank and Gaza unite and plan to attack Israeli Settlements ,because they already Dying by the Sanctions,Arrests of Innocents,Blow Up Homes while the Palestinian Families Inside,also Under aged Palestinians get Killed , Arrested Wounded

  7. لا قوات بسورية الا الجيش والقوات والمسلحة السورية الخاضعة للقيادة العامة للجيش والقوات المسلحة ولا ادارات لا ذاتية ولا غير ذاتية لأي كان وسورية لن تقسم ولو اطبقت السماء على الأرض .

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